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Monday, August 5

Powerball Jackpot Closing in on the Half Billion Mark

Time to pay the "idiot tax" again.  No, I don't regularly play the lottery or Powerball or Megamillions or whatever other name you want to call the lottery by.  I'm one of those people who doesn't believe in the tag line of "It's never small" and waits for a huge payout before trying.

Will I win?  No, but it's hard to win if you don't at least try to win.  Was there something Zen to that statement?  Not really; more like some kind of weak circular logic.

If you do decide to play, at least enjoy yourself by sharing some outrageous claims about what you would do if you did win.  That type of daydreaming is at least worth the price of admission.  Just don't go crazy and spend your life's savings or the kids' college funds on tickets.

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