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Thursday, January 8

Keeping up with the UK Wildcats on the go

With a busy schedule keeping us on the run, it's harder and harder to catch all of the Wildcat basketball games on TV.  Sometimes I'll take a small radio with me and listen to the game, but there are times where I can't pick up a station that broadcasts the game.

I've discovered that I can use an app called TuneIn Radio on my phone to listen to the games.  Once you have the app installed, you can try searching for "University of Kentucky basketball" or "wkym".  WKYM is a radio station out of Monticello, KY that has a live stream which covers the basketball games, and I've had better luck listening to them.  If you are using data to listen to the games, my android phone seems to use around 10mb of data for every 30 mins of listening time.  So keep that in mind.  If you end up going over your data limit, don't blame me.

You can also use the app iHeartRadio and search for the station WLAP.

If you are a fan of other teams, you can probably use this same trick with a little bit of research to see what stations carry the games and broadcast online.

Sunday, July 13

Kindle Worlds

Kindle WorldsGetting paid for writing fan fiction... now there's a neat idea.  Kindle Worlds is Amazon's implementation of that concept and offers writers a similar royalty structure for their stories that take place in the "worlds" of the original authors.

The current selection of intellectual properties available is an odd collection, at least from my point of view.  If I took the notion to write some fan fiction that I might get paid for, G.I. Joe from the old '80s cartoon would be my only choice.  Sadly, my memories of that show is almost 30 years old.

Monday, August 5

Powerball Jackpot Closing in on the Half Billion Mark

Time to pay the "idiot tax" again.  No, I don't regularly play the lottery or Powerball or Megamillions or whatever other name you want to call the lottery by.  I'm one of those people who doesn't believe in the tag line of "It's never small" and waits for a huge payout before trying.

Will I win?  No, but it's hard to win if you don't at least try to win.  Was there something Zen to that statement?  Not really; more like some kind of weak circular logic.

If you do decide to play, at least enjoy yourself by sharing some outrageous claims about what you would do if you did win.  That type of daydreaming is at least worth the price of admission.  Just don't go crazy and spend your life's savings or the kids' college funds on tickets.

Monday, May 20

Yahoo Nabs Tumblr

Yahoo's press release gives the full scoop about how the search engine giant acquired the social media site, but my first thought was "Oh no, Tumblr just became the new Geocities".

The first line of the press release reads "Promises not to screw it up" with the emphasis taken directly from the release.  According to the details, Tumblr will be ran separately under the same management as before, which of course sounds promising.

While I've been familiar with Tumblr for years, the one thing that I wasn't aware of was what CNET's coverage of the acquisition highlighted: just how popular Tumblr truly is.  Where Facebook eats up a tad over 80% of the social networking traffic each day, Tumblr accounts for over 5% and beats out Twitter and Pinterest.

Wednesday, April 24

New Xbox to be Revealed in Less than a Month

The web (or at least the parts where gaming prevails) is abuzz with news that the newest generation of Microsoft's Xbox console will be revealed on May 21st.

Thursday, December 1

Parking Next to a Transformer

We were traveling for Thanksgiving this year, and we usually try to stop somewhere like Walmart for restroom and "leg stretching" breaks.  When we pulled into a parking spot, I noticed that the maroon car next to us had an autobot decal in the back window.  Upon pointing it out to my 4-year old son, his eyes got really big.  He thought we had parked next to an actual Transformer.